Maternal and Child Health

Maternal and Child Health

Maternal and Child Health is the preventive, pro motive, curative and rehabilitative health care of mothers and children. The main components of maternal and child health care are Antenatal care, Postnatal care, Intranatal care and care of the under five children.
Antenatal care
i.e. shortly ANC is the care of woman during pregnancy. The main aim of ANC is to achieve at the end of a pregnancy a healthy mother and a healthy baby. Drug contraindicated during pregnancy is very harmful. Smoking effects low birth weight baby, Alcohol effects brain development, Thalidomide effects deformed limbs, Tetra cycline effects skeletal development, streptomycin effects 8th cranial nerve damage.
Postnatal care
Postnatal care means the care of the mother and new born after delivery. The objectives postnatal care are to prevent complications of postnatal periods like puperal sepsis, urinary tract infections, mastitis, to prevent care for the restoration of mother to optimum health, to provide family planning immunization services, to check the adequacy feeding, to provide neonatal tetanus and other infection clean hands.
Intranatal care
It is the care during the time of delivery. The main purpose of Intranatal care are as follow .They are delivery with minimum injury to the infant and mother, care of the baby at delivery- resuscitation, care of cord, care of eyes etc.
Nutritional status assessment of child i.e. growth indicates physical maturation, development indicates functions, Anthopometric measurement: height, weight, head circumference, chest circumference, growth chart, biochemical assessment, clinical assessment.
These are lots of thing that we have to care about maternal and child health.

Health Education Is Important For Everyone

Health Education

Health education is the education about how to live healthy in our society. The health education is very important .We all know that “Health is Wealth”. Without health we cannot do any thing .The is the most prior thing in our life. We live in a society .Society is made up of families. So that we all know about heath education. And the very important thing is that our environment must be healthy. If our environment is healthy then we can feel healthy life. We do not disturb environment of animals, birds. Health education is indispensable in achieving individual and community health. It’s a process propose at encouraging people to want to be healthy, to know to stay healthy, to do what they can individually and collectively to maintain health and to seek help when needed. It changes knowledge, practice and attitude. Health education has four popular and well known approaches that are Service approach, Health education, Regulatory approach, Primary health care approach. Communication is main thing that exchange ideas, information and feelings. There are four ways of communication Sender i.e. Source, message i.e. Content, and channels (medium), Receiver (Audience) .There are different methods to give health education.
1. Individual methods: It involves person to person communication. The limitation is that the numbers we reach are small and health education is given only it those who come in contact example counseling and interviews.
2.Small group methods: Group teaching is an effective way of educating the community example Demonstration, Problem solving, Role field playing trip, Panel discussion, Brain storming, Symposium, Buzz session and case study.
3. Mass method: This is the education of general publics. Like as from Lecture, Campaigns, exhibition, Newspaper, Posters, TV, Radio, Internet. aids. The main principles of Health education are
The media of health education are Audio aids, Visual aids, Audio-visual Awareness Trail, Evaluation, Interest and Adoption.

tribal tattoo design for the lower leg


This week I slowly started on a new tattoo project, a tribal tattoo for the lower leg, wrapping around the leg from shin to calf. The tattoo design is symmetrical with koru curves and some nice repetitive patterns derived from polynesian and other tribal art.

I really enjoyed drawing this piece for a customer from Switzerland. The sketches are really flowing and have some rythm that I love to draw.

lower leg koru tattoolower leg tattoo design

Here is the final tatoo design:

maori tribal tattoos lower leg

Kind regards, Mark Storm

Health, Environment, Agriculture, Development Environment - Four Relative Terms

Health, Environment, Agriculture & Development are four relative terms which can be summed up as HEAD. HEAD is the controlling organisation of any thing. Thus these four factors are the major controlling sectors for our society.

Now we should take measures to control all these four sectors. Till date we all had tried to destroy these four sectors, now we have to pay the price for the destruction. To overcome this problem we have to restore all these sectors.

Under Health sector lots of Govt. Initiatives are their to provide good health to the citizens. But the public is still facing the problems. We have to look up the loop holes in these initiatives. We all know the initiatives taken up by the Govt. are very visionary, but the plans fail to get materialised. The loop hole are many.

Similar situation is prevailing in all the four sectors. Numbers of projects and schemes are thrown into the society to control the four sectors.

Some project are:

  1. NRHM- National Rural Health Mission
  2. NMEP- National Malaria Eradication Programme
  3. MAB- Man & Biosphere Programme (UNESCO)
  4. IFPS- Integrated Forest Protection Scheme
  5. CSS- Centrally sponsored Schemes for Wildlife Conservation
  6. NWMP- National Water Quality Monitoring Programme
  7. NAMP- National Air Quality Monitoring Programme
  8. NLCP- National Lake Conservation Plan
  9. NRCP- National River Conservation Plan
  10. NWCP- National Wetland Conservation Plan
  11. NAP- National Afforestation Programme
  12. NFSM- National Food Security Mission
  13. NHM- National Horticultural Mission
  14. NAIP- National Agriculture Innovation Project
  15. ATMA-Agriculture Technology Management Agency
  16. Watershed Development Program
  17. MMA- Micro Management of Agriculture Scheme
  18. NREGE- National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
  19. SGRY- Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana
  20. SGSY- Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana
  21. PMGSY- Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
  22. IAY- Indira Awaas Yojana
  23. ARWSP- Accelerated Rural Water Supply Progarmme
  24. TSC- Total Sanitation Campaign
  25. JNNURM- Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission etc.

These project/schemes were started by Govt. and in some occasion these projects/schemes become successful and on maximum occasion they become unsuccessful.

There are number of factors which helped to made these project/schemes unsuccessful.

But to have a sustainable & good livelihood we have to overcome these problems.
We will discuss on these problems.

Abhijit Mohapatra

The Earth is shouting as "Save Me From Pollution"

 The Earth is shouting as
The Earth is shouting as "Save Me From Pollution"

In the name of development people misused the natural resources.They know everything what to do and not to do but they didn't think about future but think about today's luxury life.When someone says that misuse of earth resources bring ecological disaster in future then they pretend as deaf ear.Now a days people are so mercy and they think that I have to survive and other survive or not they don't care.Now this time more and more automobiles and factories are running day by day.
But even we get benefit from them,we don't care that air we breathe becomes poisoned and suffer from throat cancer.Hundred of tonnes,alarming signals and horn are released into the atmosphere.This poisonous waste ends up in our lungs and cause lung cancer and many other severely affects our health.Some of it passes to our bloodstream which is very dangerous to our health.Now we have to do something before it became to late.We can not prevent deforestation but we can do plantation.So we have to save our earth.If Earth remains then we will remain in Earth otherwise nowhere to survive.

Environment and Health Education

Environment and Health Education

Environment and Health Education

Environment and Health Education are very co-related things.
The concept of education should be completely changed to create an awareness regarding environment
protection .New generations should be aware of various
aspects of environment and health education.
The disturbing thing is that the younger generation is still unaware about various
aspects to protect environment.The world environment is going worse day by day.The resources
of nature are rapidly destroyed which may leads to ecological balance.
There is one way to give knowledge about Environment and health education by teaching the this subject at the school level.
The main thing is that the general public must be educated about to maintain the environment clean.They must know the knowledge about the ways to protect the environment.
Increasing population may be problematic for saving environment so health education is must for saving environment.We all have to know that "If there is maintained,balanced and peace Environment then only we can survive and can give our identity".People must realize from their heart that Environment is not for you only,not for me only, not for us only but it is for all living creatures in this world.So we have to save our world and Environment.

Pollution and Environment

Pollution and Environment
Pollution and Environment

From the beginning of civilization ,the man, first life in the world created by nature committed crimes against the nature is disturbing the environment which makes Environment pollution. Green forests have been cut down, then left dry and fallow, free flowing streams stopped, diverted and greater material advancement.
with the invention of power driven machines and development of modern techniques of exploitation of mineral wealth. Man need a luxury life. How do we save our environment from the drawbacks of industrial society? There is no any clear cut answer to solve the problems created by industries.But we can keep it clean of garbage and waste products of industries in proper place.
Pollution in Environment does not occur only by industries but also from vehicles generators ,.So we have to clean and repair the vehicles and generators periodically for good performance which helps to maintain the clean Environment.In factory there must be apply pollution control measurements such as sound absorber,proper maintenance of machines. we must try to decrease the smoke and level of noise .

Environmental physics

Environmental physicsEnvironmental physics

What is exactly the definition of Environmental Physics?. There are so many definition of it .
In the increasingly and modern technology, applied physics plays a vital role to understanding
the effect of new and the existing technologies on environment.There is the direct impact on society also. Mathematical modeling, ionosphere-magnetosphere interactions and simulations of electromagnetic phenomena. Mathematical modeling is the main physical processes of these studies and electrodynamics simulations of the solar wind.It also analysis the energy usage and emissions in urban transportation.The applied physics collaborated with Department of Natural resources and the environment ,Atmospheric ,Oceanic , Space science and Geology. Also the Environmental Physics concerns with all species of life survive and reproduction.It also involves in mathematical analysis that describe the physical processes of the environment and many biological processes.Environmental Physics gives the ideas about the complex response of animals and plants on environmental change. Now a days the Environment change has made both politician and public aware of its effect like as global weather,global warming etc.mostly the biologists atmospheric scientists and weather forecast
and modeler.These global warming and water cycles and weather change plays vital role in Agricultural fields. So we all public, politician should be aware of it.

Relation between Environment and physics

Relation between  Environment and physicsRelation between Environment and physics

There are various problems in environmental science with physics and social issues and application of physics which are very sensor developments, energy conservation,storage and management of radioactive materials,development of energy saving etc.
All are very interesting and challenging for physics.Combining courses in physics,Chemistry and environment science gives great success for solving problems of environment science.

Maori inspired shoulder tattoo design


This design is a Maori inspired shoulder tattoo design, with some nice symmetrical lines, koru ferns and other spearhead figures.
At the moment I'm having some serious health problems (arms/neck and shoulder), so here is one of the last designs I have done. I hope I can continue with this collection, but I need to take some time to recover.

maori inspired shoulder tattoo designmauri tattoo for shoulder design

The real size is 30 x 22 cm (12 x 8,5 inches) but it can be rescaled to fit your shoulder.
Price for this design is 41,65 euro / 57 US dollars

You'll get a high quality .jpg file and a linedrawing/sheet for the tatooshop and the tatoo design with the shading.

Kind regards, Mark Storm

Lower leg tribal tatoo design


Here's one of my latest designs in the new collection, it's a symmetrical lower leg tattoo in a kind of tribal polynesian/maori kiri tuhi style, mixed with my own style.

This tatoo design is meant to go on the front of the lower leg / shin, wrapping around the calf on both sides. But it can also be used as a backpiece if you like.
It has some arrowheads and other polynesian symbols and shapes.
My designs have no specific meaning or thoughts, I like to combine different tribal elements into one esthetic tatoo sketch.

polynesian tribal tattoo calf shinmaori polynesian tribal tatoo designs

The real size is 31 x 33 cm (12 x 13 inches) but it can be rescaled to make it fit your leg.
Price for this design is 35,70 euro / 49 US dollars

You'll get a high quality .jpg image and a linedrawing/sheet for the tatooshop and the tatoo design with the gradients.

Just let me know.

Kind regards, Mark Storm

Calf and shin tattoo in tribal style


A few days ago, I created this new design for the shin and calf. It can also be used for the shoulder or back if you wish ofcourse.

There are a few realistic feathers, wrapping around the sides of the leg when applied to the lower leg. I also incorporated some koru / fern shapes arrowheads with some nice shading to it.

I draw al my sketches on A3 size paper and scan it at 300 dpi (200gr/m2).
Then the design is optimized in Photoshop CS3, some dust and spots removal and some lines are adjusted to make it flow.
Finally I add the shading for each part of the tattoo flash image.

This flash design has an original size of 30 x 28 cm (12 x 11 inches), but as mentioned before, you can adjust the size or let your tattooshop/tattoo artist do it for you.

Price for this design is 35,70 euro / 49 US dollars

You'll receive two high quality .jpg images, a linedrawing/sheet for the tattooshop and the tatoo design with the shadings and gradients applied.

Just let me know.

Kind regards, Mark Storm

Tribal tattoo designs for forearm


Here's the fourth tattoo design for the lower arm. All previous tattoo designs can be found here.
You can order one or more of my tattoo flash images on this blog, simply by clicking on the "buy now" button below the tattoo design.

This drawing is also symmetrical, has some nice koru curves and some other tribal shapes like spearheads. The pattern on the inside is a filled with a black and white gradient, which adds some depth and body.

The original size of this tatoo design is 30 x 14 cm (12 x 5,5 inches).
You can adjust the design to fit your arm, because the high res. image can be scaled up or - down.

Price for this design is 29,75 euro / 40 US dollars.

You'll receive two high resolution .jpg files by e-mail, one is the shaded design and the
other is a linedrawing / sheet for your tattoo artist.

Any questions? Please let me know.

Kind regards, Mark Storm

Lower arm maori inspired tattoo flash


Here's another flash design in Maori/Kirituhi style. This sketch is the third of 4 lower arm/forearm tatoo designs I created for my new collection.
First I sketched the rough design and then I had to do some really nice black and grey artwork, to make the feathers look real, but also match the koru shapes.

If you are interested in this design, simply click the "buy now" button.
You will be forwarded to the Paypal and order the high resolution image + a linedrawing/sheet with your Paypal account, or VISA and Mastercard.

The files are high quality. jpg's, that can be printed, scaled or forwarded to your local tattooshop, so they can print it for you.

maori tatoo design symmetry flash lower armmaori tattoo design high res storm3d feather sketch images

The original size is around 26 x 18,5 cm (10 x 7 inches), but because it's a high resolution image, so you can scale it to adjust it to arm.

Price for this design is 29,75 euro / 40 US dollars.

Kind regards, Mark Storm

Maori forearm tattoo design


Yesterday I published the first tattoo design of my new collection in Maori/Kirituhi style.
I created a total of 4 new forearm tattoos, which can be purchased here.

This one is also a symmetrical design for the lower arm with some leave/fern shapes in it. I really enjoy drawing this kind of sketches and images, the symmetry gives a clean and sharp look.

high resolution fern tattoo design forearm maorimaori tattoo lower arm design for sale

The original size is around 24 x 14 cm (9,5 x 5,5 inches), but it's a high resolution design, so you can scale it to adjust it to arm.
Price for this design is 29,75 euro / 40 US dollars.

As soon as I receive your payment, you'll receive an e-mail with the high resolution design (.jpg file) and a sheet/ linedrawing for your tattoo artist.

Kind regards, Mark Storm

New forearm tattoo design in Kirituhi style

Hi there,

At the moment I'm working on a new collection of tribal tattoo designs, the first series consists of 4 forearm / lower arm tattoo designs, with feathers in a symmetrical style.
My plan is to create around 30 or 40 new tattoo designs in Maori/Kiri tuhi style, which will be added to my website/webshop at the end of April. But to give you a small preview, I will post the designs on my blog for you, so you'll be the first to see.
Normally I don't shade my designs, but to give the image another dimension and more body I decided to use it in this flash series.

maori forearm tattoo feathers symmetrical koru designhigh resolution maori forearm tattoo feather design

Size is 28 x 15 cm (11 x 6 inches), but because it's a high resolution design, you can re-scale it.
Price for this design is 29,75 euro / 40 US dollars.

As soon as I receive your payment, you'll receive an e-mail with the high resolution design (.jpg file) and a sheet/ linedrawing for your tattoo artist.

Kind regards, Mark Storm