Adolescence time is very risky

Adolescence time is very risky

During this time teenagers boys and girls cannot able to take right decision in their life. But they have to think their problems many times or consult with elders. This is time that we make our future.
Problems during time of Adolescence
Several physical, mental, sociaal,and emotional problems appear during adolescence. These problems occur mainly because of the changing physical and mental state of the individuals and that of the society in general. Some common problems during adolescence are as follows:
Increased mental tensions so in this time teenagers do many mistakes in their life.
1.Peer and parental pressure.
2.Unadjusted family and social situations.
4.Tendency to hide things.
5.Drop out from school.
6.Sexual perversion.
7.Early marriage and teenage pregnancy.
8.Deviation to antisocial activities.
9.Beginning to smoke/drug abuse and alcohol intake.